Thursday, May 17, 2007

Las Despedidas

I´ve been out most of the time this week, mostly to meet up with people the last time before I leave Queretaro.

This morning I met with Mary, the Compa coordinator here in Qro. We had a wonderful time sharing about ministries, about Compa, about the needs here in Qro, and about our personal stuff too. She said to me: ´Although I´ve just met you, it feels like I´ve known you for a long time and I feel comfortable talking to you´ And it´s the same to me. Her last question for me was: ´When will you be back to be Compa staff worker?´ - I´ll let God answer that question for me:)

Then I went to the Bible Study at the Engineering Faculty for the last time *sob, sob* We ate this fruit thing covered in chili sauce and we need to throw the skin while eating them (forgot what it´s called). I was having a stomach ache the whole time so I was really struggling to listen and understand the study. At the end of study, the group was praying for me. We stood around in circle with me in the middle and each of them would say a prayer for me. And it´s kinda cute to hear the things they pray for me, like: ´Lord, please let Rose come back here to Qro very soon. And this time, let it be forever,´OR ´God, I didn´t get a chance to know much about Rose, but thank you for her presence in our Bible Study and for her to share the yummy little biscuits with us.´ There is a tradition here to throw someone into a pool during the farewell, but I was saved cos there wasn´t any pool around:)

Tomorrow, I´ll meet up with Mia and Jessi, then I´ll have a debrief with Jessi, then I´ll head to Global for work and for my last class with Maricela. On Friday night, we´ll have a real farewell party (la despedida) for me at Global - we´ll need a lot of Kleenex for me:)


Unknown said...

Hi Rose,

When will you arrive in Sydney?
Have you heard that Jackie Ho is leaving MI too? Her last day is Friday 25 May.
Looking forward to chat with you once you're back..

Welcome back.. we missed you:)

La Picara Soñadora said...

Hi Han, yup heard that from Glorya...will arrive back in Sydney on Sunday (3 June). looking fwd to catch up with you!:)