Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Random Musings and Pensamientos

*Lluvia & I: Learning Mexican cooking * With my sister - Marianita *

* I didn´t bring camera to Compa monthly fellowship. But it was really good: we sang, we played some games and we heard a short reflection from the Bible. It was really encouraging and I don´t feel left out even though I´ve only met one or two people before the night....

* I love joining Compa´s Bible Studies and fellowship. So encouraging!!!! I think if I do a mission work anywhere in the world, I would do student ministries, it´s so strategic and it´s so encouraging to see these universitarios getting excited about learning the word of God and applying it! What I also love to do also is to encourage these young people to give back and contribute to their local churches.

* I think I like the model of student ministries here in Mexico than in Sydney. In Mexico (or in other parts of Latin America, in fact), the student ministry works with the uni students on weekdays and these students would go to their local churches on the weekends. I think that should be the way. Because if the young people are trained in Uni and go to church there too, who´s gonna help the local church to grow?Aren´t we robbing the local churches from their future leaders? - that´s just my thoughts:)

*With Monserat, the girl from next door´s shop * With some of the Cisneros family @ Guanajuato*

* 2.5 weeks away from leaving Qro and I´ve started crying.....I don´t know if I´ll ever get a chance to come back to this place? - ¿Quien sabe? Si,Si Dios quiere:)

* I´ll be leaving Qro just after my friend´s birthday on 19th May - perfect timing!:)

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