On the ´camion`(the small bus) ; with the MQ gang at Mexico DF

The student group at ITAM; with the Fletchers (Charlie´s taking the pic)
The Fletchers are CMS missios from Melbourne who works with Compa (Companeros Estudiantil) or an equivalent of AFES is Mexico. They’ve been here for 6 years since 2001 and the student groups at universities have been growing since. On Wed, I took the trolley-bus and the metro from Antonio’s house to the Fletcher’s apartamento (yay! I could travel with public transport on my own J). There I had a chance to have lunch with them and chat and play with their boys: Jonathan (6) and Harry (4). Through conversations with them, I found out about the challenges in their ministry: The hostility towards the Christian leaders at some Universities, the lack of supports from the local church as some of them see Compa as a threat/competitors that tries to steal their young people, lack of good Bible training and good Bible colleges in Mexico City.
Charlie mentioned to me that Mexican Christians are very open about their faith (Hmm, I could also remember that Phil said the same thing). They are very passionate about sharing their faith and their relationship with Jesus to their non-Christian friends. I could see this through joining the students’ Bible Study at ITAM with Charlie. Before the Bible study started, the students were talking about the opportunity they had through submitting a Christian-themed article in the uni’s magazine. After the article was published, the article created reactions among the students and the Christian students were using the opportunity to have a discussion about Christianity with the non-Christian students.
The Bible study was held at a café close to the Uni. The students are currently going through the John’s gospel. They read the Bible in chunks then had a discussion using a few questions prepared by Charlie. The students who joined the Bible Study group come from different church backgrounds and yet all of them have a great desire to study the Bible and to share the gospel – Que padre!
At the Bible study, I receive the usual Mexican warm welcome. The students are very2 friendly and welcoming. They even made the effort to do a bilingual (English & Spanish) Bible Study for me! Si Dios quiere, I’d love to visit them again before I’m going back to Sydney at the end of this mission trip.
Prayer Points:
- Thank God for the Mexican Christians for being passionate about sharing the gospel with their non-Christian friends.
- Thank God for the ministries of the Fletchers among the universities’ students in Mexico City, for their faithfulness to the gospel, for their perseverance, and their creativity.
- Please pray that God may give Charlie and Kathryn the wisdom they need to bring up their boys in the Lord in the midst of the secular culture of Mexico City
- Please pray that God may provide the fund and the person to be an administrator to help the Fletchers with the work at Compa while they’re away on their deputation in June this year.Please pray that God may continue to help the Mexican students to grow in the knowledge and love of God. And God may continue to use them to reach out to the non-Christian students around them.
Charlie mentioned to me that Mexican Christians are very open about their faith (Hmm, I could also remember that Phil said the same thing). They are very passionate about sharing their faith and their relationship with Jesus to their non-Christian friends. I could see this through joining the students’ Bible Study at ITAM with Charlie. Before the Bible study started, the students were talking about the opportunity they had through submitting a Christian-themed article in the uni’s magazine. After the article was published, the article created reactions among the students and the Christian students were using the opportunity to have a discussion about Christianity with the non-Christian students.
The Bible study was held at a café close to the Uni. The students are currently going through the John’s gospel. They read the Bible in chunks then had a discussion using a few questions prepared by Charlie. The students who joined the Bible Study group come from different church backgrounds and yet all of them have a great desire to study the Bible and to share the gospel – Que padre!
At the Bible study, I receive the usual Mexican warm welcome. The students are very2 friendly and welcoming. They even made the effort to do a bilingual (English & Spanish) Bible Study for me! Si Dios quiere, I’d love to visit them again before I’m going back to Sydney at the end of this mission trip.
Prayer Points:
- Thank God for the Mexican Christians for being passionate about sharing the gospel with their non-Christian friends.
- Thank God for the ministries of the Fletchers among the universities’ students in Mexico City, for their faithfulness to the gospel, for their perseverance, and their creativity.
- Please pray that God may give Charlie and Kathryn the wisdom they need to bring up their boys in the Lord in the midst of the secular culture of Mexico City
- Please pray that God may provide the fund and the person to be an administrator to help the Fletchers with the work at Compa while they’re away on their deputation in June this year.Please pray that God may continue to help the Mexican students to grow in the knowledge and love of God. And God may continue to use them to reach out to the non-Christian students around them.
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