Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I've arrived safely in Sydney

Hi, guys - I'm back in Sydney. Praise God for a safe trip home:) My luggage arrived 1 day after me, but without any drama, so thank God for that, too....

Thank you for all your prayers and supports. I know that I was carried by His grace and your prayers through these whole three months.....

I've been catching on my sleep a lot, unpacking, doing the laundry, and trying to reflect things that I've learned in the past 3 months since I arrived. Will go back to work tomorrow. Please continue to pray for me as I try adjust back to life in Sydney. Please also pray that God will lead me to the next chapter of life (which I still don't know) and for me to trust Him enough to follow His leading and be obedient.

Will write me when things are more settled. Take care and God bless!


vyie.blogspot.com said...

hey rose, we'll see you then..
just curious how much latino you've become, we'll find out soon!

also, make sure that you limit your spanish usage (or turn off that language faculty for a while), i'm rather traumatise ;)

thank God that you are home safely (plus the luggage, yay!)

Adi Susanto said...

welcome back !!!! :)

La Picara Soñadora said...

Thanks for the warm welcome!:)

I feel like kissing everyone on the cheek when i greet them, i listen to Spnaish songs everyday, and i'm learning to curl my eyelashes with spoon....pretty Mexican I'd say, hahahahaha....