Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I've arrived safely in Sydney

Hi, guys - I'm back in Sydney. Praise God for a safe trip home:) My luggage arrived 1 day after me, but without any drama, so thank God for that, too....

Thank you for all your prayers and supports. I know that I was carried by His grace and your prayers through these whole three months.....

I've been catching on my sleep a lot, unpacking, doing the laundry, and trying to reflect things that I've learned in the past 3 months since I arrived. Will go back to work tomorrow. Please continue to pray for me as I try adjust back to life in Sydney. Please also pray that God will lead me to the next chapter of life (which I still don't know) and for me to trust Him enough to follow His leading and be obedient.

Will write me when things are more settled. Take care and God bless!

Friday, June 01, 2007


Hi, all! I`m still in Japan for transit, my flight for Sydney will leave tonight and I`ll get to Sydney on Sunday morning (there is a high possibility that my luggage won`t be arriving with me).

Ok, so far it`s been a challenging 2 days for me. When I flew from Cuba to Mexico (to catch the flight back to Sydney), I was escorted and detained like an illegal immigrant;P The thinkg is my visa to Mexico is only for 1 entry, so when I have to fly trhough Mexico, I didn`t have a valid visa to enter into the country. So they had to escort me to make sure that I won`t be sneaking out of the Mexico Airport. So along with the escort, etc. they also kept my passport with them and by the time I`ve got it back, I found that the check-in staff in Cuba didn`t attach the luggage stickers in my boarding pass.

To make matters more complicated, Mexicana airlines found out that I needed visa to transit in Canada. Therefore they changed my flight to a different route and they told me that my luggages won`t be arriving with me in Sydney because of the flight changes. So now I`ve got 2 problems: missing luggages and not having the luggage stickers as the evidence.

Please pray for me so I would continue to trust God and not to vent my frustration to the airline/airport staff. Please also pray that my luggage will arrive safely in Sydney with me. Thanks for praying!:) I`ll see you guys soon!